
Fresh Lily Bouquet - Mixed Lily Flowers

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The Fresh Lily Bouquet - Mixed Lily Flowers is the perfect way to add a touch of elegance and fragrance to your home. Arriving ready to arrange, these stunning oriental lilies are a delight to the senses.

Whether you're looking for a gift to send to a loved one or wanting to make any special occasion more memorable, this bouquet is sure to impress. The mixed lilies offer a variety of colors, creating a beautiful display that will catch everyone's eye.

Available in three different sizes, you can choose the option that suits your needs. The Standard bouquet comes with three stems, each having three to five flowers. The Deluxe option includes six stems, while the Premium indulges you with nine stems. Whichever size you select, you can be assured of quality and beauty.

It's no wonder that this bouquet is one of our top-selling options. It makes for the perfect anniversary gift, bringing joy and love into the celebration. When someone is feeling under the weather, these lilies are the ideal get-well gift, brightening up any hospital room. Birthdays are made more special with these stunning flowers, and they also offer comfort and sympathy during difficult times.

Please note that the vase is not included with the bouquet. Additionally, some of the flowers may arrive in bud form, ready to bloom and provide long-lasting beauty. However, it's important to keep in mind that lily pollen is toxic to cats, so make sure to keep them out of reach of pets.

To ensure your bouquet lasts as long as possible, follow these simple flower care tips. Start by trimming the stems at a 45-degree angle and changing the water daily. Clean water not only helps your flowers thrive but also enhances the aesthetic appeal. Use the supplied flower food to nourish the blooms, or concoct your own mixture using bleach and sugar. Keep the bouquet in indirect light, and remove any dying stems to keep the remaining flowers fresher for longer.

With the Fresh Lily Bouquet - Mixed Lily Flowers, you can enjoy the subtle changes each day as the bouquet ages gracefully. Order now and add a touch of sophistication and fragrance to any space.

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