iGift Flowers

Wild Rose Bouquet - Cream

  • Wild Rose Bouquet - Cream
  • Wild Rose Bouquet Cream
  • Wild Rose Bouquet Cream in Bouquet
  • Wild Rose Bouquet Cream in Bouquet

Out of Season or Stock


and the buds are 8cm in size.

The Silk Wild Rose Bouquet Cream is a stunning addition to any home decor or special occasion. The cream-colored roses exude an air of elegance and grace, making them perfect for weddings, anniversaries, or simply adding a touch of beauty to your living space.

Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, this bouquet features three large open heads and two buds, all made from high-quality silk. The exquisite craftsmanship ensures that each petal and leaf is lifelike and realistic, creating a natural and charming appearance that will captivate anyone who lays eyes on it.

Measuring at a height of 35cm, this Wild Rose Bouquet Cream is versatile enough to be displayed on its own or incorporated into larger floral arrangements. The open flower heads are 14cm in size, making them the focal point of any bouquet or centerpiece.

What sets this bouquet apart is its ability to maintain its beauty and freshness over time. Unlike real flowers that wither and wilt, this silk bouquet will continue to look vibrant and beautiful for years to come, requiring little to no maintenance. With its lasting beauty, you can enjoy the elegance of fresh roses without the worry of them losing their charm.

The versatility of this Wild Rose Bouquet Cream extends beyond just floral arrangements. With its simple yet elegant look, it can also be used as a decorative piece in your home or office. Place it in a clear glass jar and pair it with light-colored pebbles for a minimalist and sophisticated look, or use it as a centerpiece for a romantic dinner setting.

Available in three colors, including cream, this Silk Wild Rose Bouquet allows you to choose the hue that best suits your style and decor. Whether you're looking to create a soft and romantic atmosphere or add a pop of color to your space, this bouquet has you covered.

Embrace the timeless beauty of fresh roses with the Silk Wild Rose Bouquet Cream. Its lifelike appearance, durability, and versatility make it a must-have for any floral enthusiast or lover of beauty.
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