
Wild Roses Bouquet Silk Dark Red

  • Wild Roses Bouquet Silk Dark Red
  • Wild Rose Bouquet Dark Red


and are made of high-quality silk that looks and feels incredibly realistic. The deep dark red color of these silk roses adds a touch of drama and sophistication to any setting.

Whether you're looking to decorate your home, office, or event space, our Wild Rose Bouquet is the perfect choice. The dark red color of the roses symbolizes deep passion and love, making it an excellent option for romantic occasions such as weddings or anniversaries.

The silk material used in these roses ensures that they will maintain their vibrant color and lifelike appearance for years to come. Unlike fresh roses, which wither and die within a matter of days, our silk roses will stay fresh and beautiful indefinitely, allowing you to enjoy their beauty for as long as you want.

The bouquet consists of three large open flower heads and two buds, providing a lovely mix of different stages of blooming. This adds depth and visual interest to your floral arrangements or bouquets.

The height of this bouquet is 35cm, making it the perfect size for placing in a vase or using as a centerpiece. The size of the open flower heads is 14cm, ensuring that they will make a statement wherever they are placed.

Whether you choose to use these silk roses as standalone decorations or combine them with other flowers and greenery, they are sure to enhance the overall aesthetic of any space. Their dark red color will add a pop of richness and elegance, while their realistic appearance will fool even the most discerning eye.

The Wild Rose Bouquet Silk Dark Red is a versatile and long-lasting option for adding beauty and charm to any occasion. Whether you want to create stunning wedding arrangements, breathtaking bouquets, or simply spruce up your home decor, these silk roses are the perfect choice.
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