Today is Drink Wine Day - 18th February - Enjoy a glass

Today is Drink Wine Day - 18th February - Enjoy a glass

Today is Drink Wine Day! Enjoy a refreshing glass of Chardonnay, Merlot, Pinot or Shiraz in honor of the occasion!

white wine fruit hamper

People have been producing wine since at least 6000 B.C. There are dozens of ancient legends about humans who accidentally consumed fermented grapes and became intoxicated, which is probably how wine was first conceived. Eventually, people began experimenting with the fermentation process. The methods for making wine spread from the region of Mesopotamia to Egypt, Greece, Rome, France, Spain, and eventually the New World. Today, over 20 million acres of the earth’s surface are dedicated to growing grapes for wine.

Red Wine Fruit Hampers

Studies have shown that drinking a glass of wine a day improves heart health, reduces forgetfulness, boosts immunity, and increases bone density. To celebrate Drink Wine Day why not send someone a fruit hamper with wine!

Nov 07, 2020 igiftFRUITHAMPERS

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